Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Aphrodite is the Greek Goddess (Roman Venus) of passion and sexual love, and beauty. She is considered the epitome of beauty and femininity. Said to have been born of sea-foam. She is kind to those she liked, but can be cruel and merciless to those who displease her.


Aphrodite was born and arose from a large shell, which was then carried to land, thus her name being translated "foam-risen". The sea nymphs dressed her up with flowers and gold. She now represents Erotic Love as a form of Divine influence, which has resulted in many men abilities to falling in love with her. There are many other tales of Aphrodite, as her Roman name is Venus, she is also known as the daughter of Zeus and Dione.
image from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aphrodite#Gallery

Homer describes Aphrodite as the husband of Hephaestus, the sun of Hera and the divine artificer. But Hephaestus was both lame and ugly and Aphrodite soon found an exciting love in Ares (The War God) Aphrodite had three children by Ares - Phobus, Deimus and Harmonia. She pretended these were her husband's and presented them as such to Hephaestus. She bore Ares three children names Phobus (fear), Deimos (terror), and Harmonia (concord).
Hepheaestus retired to his forge to work out a plan that w
ould not only expose Aphrodite would also revenge him on the handsome. He constructed a impressively bea
utiful bronze hunting net,of great strength but of workmanship.
image from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hephaestus


image from: http://thanasis.com/aphro.html

• Aphrodite parentage is uncertain. The poet Homer, in the book called the 'Iliad', claimed that she was the daughter of Zeus and the Titaness Dione. Probably she also have been a daughter of Amphitrite by Triton or perhaps Cronus, father of many Olympians.
• Aphrodite had three children by Ares - Phobus, Deimus and Harmonia. She pretended these were her husband's and presented them as such to Hephaestus.
• Aphrodite was
n't very faithful to her husband, to say the least. Some of her other lovers included Dionysus, god of wine, the messenger god Hermes, and the King of the Sea, Poseidon. Two of her more famous mortal lovers were Adonis and Anchises.


images from: www.freewebs.com/alqahirah/scepter.jpg

Aphrodite The Goddess Of Love and beauty. The poet Hesiod said that she was born from sea-foam, but Homer on the other hand, said that she was the daughter of Zeusand Dione. Aphrodite was chosen as the most beautiful before Athena and Hera. Her symbols were the swan, scepter, myrtle, and the dove.






Book: A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Mythology By: Michael Stapletun

1 comment:

  1. 12/15. Good research - watch your grammar. An overall mark for all your posts will be given when they are complete. Cheers :)
