Monday, May 31, 2010

Sports Logo Critique (31/05/2010)

The Brief : Design a logo for a sporting team. Greek god previously researched must be incorporated into the design concept.

The Logo details

• The name of the logo is "Aphrodite" design for "Figure Ice skating" sport.
• Background about the logo name, Aphrodite is the Greek Goddess (Roman Venus) of passion and sexual love, and beauty. She is considered the epitome of beauty and femininity. Said to have been born of sea-foam. She is kind to those she liked, but can be cruel and merciless to those who displease her. Her symbols were the swan, scepter, myrtle, and the dove.
• The colours of my logo concept are Purple and Light blue. Because Purple symbolizes: Royalty, power, nobility, luxury, magic and mystery. Blue is the color of the sky and sea. Blue symbolizes: youth, spirituality, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith, truth, and heaven.
The inspiration

• I have got the inspiration from the Greek Mythology. Figure skating is an Olympic sport in which individuals, pairs, or groups perform spins, jumps, footwork and other intricate and challenging moves on ice. In my opinion, "Aphrodite" is the Greek God who is absolutely beautiful and suit for Figure skating. So I came up with all 3 different concepts in appearance and theme.

Concept 1

• The aim of this concept is design the logo look elegant, classic and casual. The logo design used stable layout. In the logo used 2 objects to represent about the sport.
• The women wear the skirt and figure skates that is inappropriate for athletic competition. And she also wear theatrical make up and hairstyles during competitions. I believe that rerated with the name of "Aphrodite" is the Greek God who is absolutely beautiful. The way she post the acting and the figure skate was showing on top of the logo, obviously people will know what the sport is.
• The big shell on the base of the logo rerated to history of "Aphrodite" also. In the shell had a texture like a line drawn and the structure of the shell look strong. In term of design, concept and the history behind the logo when the shell combine with the women on top. It can answer my aim that I want to design this logo concept look elegant, classic and casual.
The typeface used is a bold scrip serif font. In my opinion, it give more classic, nature and elegant.

Concept 2

• The aim of this concept is design the logo look modern, charming, cheerful and active. The logo design used dynamic layout. So it give logo feel active and movement like a figure skating competitions. In the logo used just one objects to represent about the sport.
• The women wear the skirt and figure skates same as concept 1 but different hair style. The hair is more longer and move follow the wind speed that give the logo more dynamic, fresh and modern.
The typeface used is a bold san serif font. But It will modify more modern. In my opinion, it give more modern, extreme and fresh.

Concept 3

• The aim of this concept is design the logo look fancy, magic and fun. The logo design used dynamic layout same as concept 2. In the logo developed from concept 1. It based on the history of "Aphrodite". So It changed to the women ride the big swan. It can answer my theme as fancy, magic and fun.
The typeface used is a bold san serif font same as concept 2. Because it give more fancy and fresh.

The process

The logos will be developed as vector based designs using illustrator. Because The vector based artwork will give the logos a high qualities file. It can be produce many things for this sport team such as Logo, billboards, screen uniform. Especially it can transfer the file to manufacture process such as laser cut the logo for the knife figure skates or about plastic and metals things.


The logos which I think are most successful are concept one. Because It's obviously tell the stories of the God behind it and It communicate the concept intended and represent Figure skating sport in which individuals, pairs, or groups perform spins, jumps, footwork and other intricate and challenging moves on ice. In my opinion, the logo for Figure skating should represent the logo look elegant, classic and casual of the "Aphrodite" team.

1 comment:

  1. Figure skating seems to me an excellent choice of sport to pair Aphrodite with. The idea of using the goddess of beauty to represent a team who are essentially dancers is a clever use of this mythological figure.

    I feel that concept 1 captures the spirit of figure skating well. I like the pose with her leg lifted up but I would perhaps try having her up on her toe or find another way to bring a little more elegance into the image. I find the text is a little too blocky for my tastes, I think figure skating might be better represented by a nice script style, for example Porcelain. Also I imagine these images being silhouettes but I am not sure how the text will work once the image is rendered.

    I like the idea behind concept 2, but not really the execution. Although it does not reference Aphrodite except by depicting a woman I think if some reference to this could be introduced then this might be just as appropriate as concept 1. One idea which springs to mind is inspired by a movie where a girl traces out the shape of a heart with her skates; perhaps this could be done with the shape of the shell? The same thing could be applied to concept 1.

    Concept 3 could work but the bird would need to be a lot more elegant; I do think it shows potential though.

    The choice of blue and purple as the colour scheme could work nicely although it might end up too cold depending on the exact colours used. In the drawings I notice that you have always included yellow in the colour scheme, this might work but perhaps a pink or cream/flesh colour could work better?

    Overall I definitely think concept 1 is working the best.
